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Wisdom's Calling: Blessings of Liberti
of control, reclaiming your birthright as a Sovereign being.
- Last updated 10/2024
Discourse Description
The NewEarth Sovereignty Academy welcomes you to embark on a transformative journey. NewEarth Nation (Trust) operates as a Private Membership Association, governed under God’s Laws. Upon making a payment, you agree to the Private Membership Agreement, effective from the day of donation, between the “Member” (the man or woman participating) and NewEarth Nation (Trust).
By participating, you represent, affirm, and agree to the following:
- The Private Association operates exclusively under God’s Laws within private forums accessible after payment.
- All membership operations, content, and conversations are to remain confidential and private.
- By making a payment, the “Member” hereby adopts and agrees to NewEarth Nation’s Privacy Agreements in good conscience and faith.
The Time for Liberation is Now
The Blessings of Liberti is a unique 10-part discourse designed to guide you on your path to reclaiming personal sovereignty. This comprehensive course will provide you with critical knowledge about how to navigate oppressive systems and align with your sovereign self. Through research, discussion, and introspective work, you will empower yourself with both spiritual and practical tools to stand in your Divine authority.
What You Will Learn:
- Explore the history of War Powers, the Lieber Code, and the Insurrection Act, and understand their impact on personal sovereignty.
- Investigate the origins of quiet wars and their consequences on your life.
- Learn how you were uniquely designed for this moment in time.
- Understand the value of being present and fully cognizant in your sovereign truth.
- Discuss international treaties and conventions that affirm and protect your sovereignty.
- Gain practical tools to express and embody personal sovereignty in action.
Through this discourse, you will remember, claim, and embody the Blessings of Liberti, stepping into a life aligned with truth, freedom, and Divine Law.

Course Curriculum
- Opening messages and spiritual insights from the course faculty.
- Study the Insurrection Act, the Lieber Code, and the Trading with the Enemy Act.
- Learn about the History of War Powers and the implications of EO 100.
- Engage in self-assessment through the Quantum Observer dialogue.
- Explore Sun Tzu’s strategy and the frequency of emotions in war powers.
- Delve into topics like Ho’o pono pono, self-accountability, and the Lucifer rebellion.
- Étude: Review Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars and Dr. Dessie Andrews' insights on the US government.
- Discuss how you've been designed for this moment.
- Introduction to the Thought Adjuster and the importance of understanding cognize vs. re-cognize.
- Étude: Chevron's overturn, the War Powers Act 1973, and the Affidavit of Public Ministry.
- Discover the power of affidavits in reclaiming sovereignty.
- Study the Treaty of Ghent, Paris Peace Treaty 1783, and Trading with the Enemy Act.
- Learn about the Maxims of Law and the 21 Universal Laws.
- Discuss the rights and duties of neutral powers in case of war.
- Examine U.S. Army Field Manual 27-10 and the history of Reconstruction Acts.
- Étude: Understanding Australia as an occupied territory and the Laws of War.
- Learn about the Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act and the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.
- Apply these laws to your affidavit practice.
- Étude: Maxims of Law and International Organization Immunity Act.
- Understand how the Law of Nations supersedes the constitution.
- Explore SCOTUS rulings related to the Law of Nations.
- Étude: The Hague Convention and the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties 1969.
- Delve into the value of affidavits and their use in interacting with war powers.
- Study 18 USC 112 and its implications for the protection of foreign officials and guests.
- Étude: Insights from The Law of Nations.
- Discover the connection between quantum mechanics and human sovereignty.
- Review the 6 Treaties that form the Law of Nations and their practical applications.
- CLOSING MESSAGE: Lao Tzu Quotes on Divine Order.
- Explore the concepts of authenticity, substance, and Divine purpose.
- Discuss the importance of soul language and living with distinction.
- CLOSING MESSAGE(S): Wrapping up the journey and looking forward to future growth.

Senior Teaching Fellow
This course includes:
- 10 Week Course
- Access on desktop and mobile
- 15 hours on-demand video
- Full lifetime access
*Complementary for Golden Ticket holders
*An account must be created before enrolment
Donations are non-refundable or transferrable.
Embrace Authentic Freedom
Enroll in Blessings of Liberti today!
Ready to take the next step toward true sovereignty? Join us in the Blessings of Liberti discourse and reclaim your Divine birthright today.
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The Blessing of Liberti is the initial guided 10 part discussion, the first in the Wisdom’s Calling series. It exposes an invisible plan, carefully designed and executed, that has captured the collective mind for generations.
Once this spell is broken the discussion proceeds to examine treaties and spiritual references that show the international recognition for peaceful expression of the Self-Aware “Sovereign” and strength of Self-Authentication thus gaining a new level of individual awareness and opening the possibility for collective awakening to Self-Governance.
Most people alive today have lived their entire lives without a day when there was no fighting, or a day without war anywhere on the planet. We are so desensitized to fighting and injustice that we don’t even see or feel it anymore. We call it “law” or “normal” and we suffer its consequences.
In this 10 part guided discussion, The Blessings of Liberti, you receive supporting documents that will be discussed, such as law, legal references, and treaties to examine the structure and purpose of war powers, how it has global design, and a path to rise above enabling you to see, discuss and experience your path to Liberti.
An amazing warrior named Sun Tzu wrote about war powers some 4000 years ago called The Art of War. In it he wrote about the strategy of war and he advised that if you do not know yourself and you do not know your “adversary” you have no chance for victory, if you know yourself and you do not know your “adversary” you have some chance for victory, if you know your “adversary” and you don’t know yourself you have some chance for victory, but if you know yourself and your know your adversary there is no peril.
With The Blessings of Liberti you get the opportunity to realize that you even have an adversary, how the strategy of the adversary is constructed and the Substance you carry to rise to life without peril.
The work liberty in as many dictionaries as I have been able to access has so many meanings that it not only can but must be considered ambiguous. The word Liberti has one meaning and comes from Latin. In Roman law. Freedmen. The condition of those who, having been slaves, had been made free 1 Brown. Civ Law 99
Tincidunt pulvinar congue erat torquent lacinia odio duis est cursus. Morbi primis porttitor duis tristique fusce blandit. Luctus scelerisque sem per phasellus tristique purus velit facilisi pellentesque litora ad. Taciti nulla tortor torquent ridiculus enim tincidunt pede ipsum.